It can be a simple e-mail newsletter which is cheaper to produce, or a more sophisticated printed newsletter. This can have a dual effect on your sales. First it promotes your services and secondly, it offers you a way to make some extra cash by charging for a subscription or better yet offering special promotions on select services. Also it’s a great way for prospects to advertise for a nominal fee which helps promote their services.
7. Create a workshop to promote your business
Ever thought of teaching? Do you have information to share with other busy professionals? Perhaps it’s time to create a workshop to share your particular expertise with other professionals. Keep in mind that everyone needs information and if you have a better, faster, more cost effective way to make a prospect’s life easier, then your expertise becomes invaluable and is a great way to bring in extra income. (I charge $75.00 per person for a 2 hour class maximum 10 people and $175.00 for an in-house coaching session minimum 10 hours). That’s between $750- $1750.00 for a few hours of work. If you can cross sell other amenities like books, newsletters, and other workshops it can bring in additional revenue. Lastly, if you offer discounts on your other services for attendees, it makes the workshop more cost effective. Note: one special feature I offer attendees is a discount coupon for a subscription to San Francisco Business Times Newspaper (one of my partners)offering even more value to my workshops.
8. Host a networking event to promote your business
When I started this magazine, I hosted a launch party to promote it. Because I have relationships with management at several local restaurants, I was able to get a great discount on appetizers for 50+ people, didn’t have to worry about room rental (he gave it to me for free) and the bar made their money on the drinks; which is how most make their money anyway. And since I held it during happy hour at a financial district locale, I was guaranteed professionals to network with even though they weren’t on the guest list. Plus the manager was happy because I brought in new customers to his establishment .The point is to promote your business in a relaxed (party) atmosphere while making it cost effective.
Continued on the next page
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