Creative writing workshop
interpretations began on the characters, plots and twist giving a revision of the topics
taught from the beginning of the workshop. It came to a circle.
Over and all this workshop was a creatively liberating experience for the students
who were not only educated about the vital blocks of writing but also the history of
crime ction and what makes Salil Desai still tick to write one. His tips on writing and his
teaching ignited the writers-to-be.
The workshop concluded with a small closing ceremony graced by Prof.(Dr) Nigam
Dave, Director SLS, Dr. Harmik Vaishnav, Dr. Urmi Satyan , Ms. Niyati Shah and
coordinator of the workshop Ms. Neeta Khurana. Dr. Nigam Dave congratulated all
on successful completion of the workshop and complemented the expert Mr. Salil
Desai. All the participants were given certicates and the workshop concluded with
tea and refreshments. The workshop concluded successfully and all students hoped
that many such workshops would be organized in near future too.