Shram 1.0
"Only people in the world who make other place more clean than their own place."
Shram 1.0 was an initiative taken by team Fervour Fiesta (Hitesh Ganwani,
Hiteshree Dudani and Kishan Darji) to honor the work of the housekeeping staff at
School of Liberal Studies (SLS), Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University. The
housekeeping staff was felicitated and the faculty members and students
volunteered to clean the campus in respect and honor of their work. By doing so
they demonstrated the nobility of manual work and contributed to making the
campus more inclusive.
On 27 th March, 2017, the volunteers gathered at the SLS foyer and the event was
started by Prof. Nigam Dave, the director of the School of Liberal Studies, who
spoke in appreciation of the housekeeping staff and thanked them for their efforts
in maintaining the campus and its beauty.
The volunteers set out with brooms, buckets and
mops to clean the foyer enthusiastically. Under the
scorching sun, every student put their efforts into
cleaning and there were many students who had
not tried this ever in their life but still they came out of
their comfort zone and tried it and it was the best part
of the event.