Workshop on Contemporary Issues in
Indian Financial System
A one day workshop on “Contemporary Issues in Indian Financial System” was
organized at School of Liberal Studies, PDPU, Gandhinagar on 25th April, 2017, with an
objective to acquaint students of SLS about current issues in the nancial system of our
The theme of the workshop was, “Contemporary issues in Indian Financial System”,
which is very relevant as the Indian Financial System has seen facing signicant
changes in the recent time, especially in context of the proposed GST bill and
amendments in the Companies Act.
The eminent speakers like
Shri Rajesh Shah, Vice
President-Finance (Adani
Group), Mr. Haresh
Kothari, Chartered
Accountant and Mr. Amit
Shah Chartered
Accountant provided
valuable insights into
various contemporary issues of Finance, Economics and GST.
Dr.Ashwin Dave, Head Coordinator B.Com, School of Liberal Studieswelcomed the
speakers and guests and thanked them for parting his precious time to impart real
world knowledge in world of nance. He also greeted Abhinav Kapadia, CFO, PDPU
and Shri Rajesh Shah for their esteemed presence.
The eminent speaker for the rst
session in the workshop was Shri
Rajesh Shah who is the Vice
President-Finance of Adani
Group from past many years and
also holds a great knowledge in
the eld of Finance and
Mr. Rajesh Shah informed us all about the areas of Finance and Economics and how
our economy is affected by the nancial system. He also put a light upon the
economic cycle that comprises the major part of our economy and also upon the
importance of Finance and Economics. Then he talked about how
the loans and advances procedure are done in the