Induction Week
But this was one such time no one wanted it to end. The amount of fun we had, the friends we
made, the experiences we shared in just a week would be etched in our minds forever. Even
though no one was ready for it, the last day of our induction week came. The morning was
refreshing with theprominent production members of the well – known movie Raees. Then the real
fun started as we all volunteered for the Talent show. We were nervous and excited at the same
time. To perform in front of 500 people is a big thing, and is scary for sure. But what is college if not
trying new things.
The lunch ended and all of us were bubbling with
excitement. The Talent Show began and it was a
beautiful experience. With every performance we
realized how talented our batch was and how learned
they were in some respects. It was amazing as all of
us felt closer by how much we had discovered about
each other and also about ourselves. The event was a
huge success and no one was ready for it to end, but it
had to. People were appreciated for their showcase of
immense talents and the titles of Mr. and Ms.
Fresher's were given to the deserving pair.
All in all it was a great week. Probably one of the best
we all have ever experienced. All of us, the fresher's,
the seniors and the faculty had formed such beautiful
connections with one another and we couldn't be
more grateful to our wonderful college. The