International Exposure
Program 2017 at
Sacred Heart University
Week 2 focused on shooting and editing of the movie projects that were given to the students. The
students were taught the editing process in the softwares with simultaneous shooting of their
movies. The basics were taught to them along with the different tools and skills that are required in
editing a movie. The second eld trip for the MPML group was at Yale University Art Gallery in New
Haven. The visit helped the students to understand the artwork and structures from all across the
globe. In addition, the students had the opportunity to visit the Dan Patrick Show Studio, which
was another memorable experience for the students. The week was fully dedicated into editing the
movie so that their creativity can be looked upon. The week was followed by a cultural evening
where all the students gathered for cross cultural immersion with some amazing Indian & Chinese
The week 3 started with the second segment of the exposure program wherein the students were
given a hand on experience to work in the television studio production. The week was headed by
Professor Russo who covered every aspect of studio production such as shooting, scripting,
stagemanagement, audio control, etc. The main aim to provide this exposure was so to inherit
such skills into the students so that they can produce their own television show. They were directed
upon the different areas of television show studio production.