International Exposure
Program 2017 at
Sacred Heart University
The International Exposure Program of School of Liberal Studies, PDPU to Sacred Heart University,
Faireld, Connecticut, USA commenced on July 8, 2017 for four weeks which included group of
25 students with the faculty team; Dr.Ritu Sharma & Dr. Sriram Divi. International Exposure
program was designed for two focused group for a month long experience on various academic,
industrial and cultural aspects in the two respective domain namely Business and Mass
Learning Insights from Business Group:
27 students of SLS attended the four-week summer SIGBM program in Jack Welch College of
Business, Sacred heart University, Connecticut, USA. The program provides a practical framework
for understanding the key dimensions critical to effective global business management while
emphasizing the most pressing current challenges faced by global business leaders. Students of
SLS gained a fundamental grounding in global business management and enhanced the skills
essential for success after college.
The program included Business and nancial analytics, strategic planning, global nancial
markets, leadership, working effectively in teams, critical thinking and decision making,
communicating effectively in a business environment, interest rates, currency and equity.