SLS Mirror Dec - Jan 2017 | Page 7

URBAN RENEWAL MISSION INTERNSHIP 2016-17 This year, the students of SLS were luckier as they got an opportunity to directly interact with the locals of different parts of the city to collect rst-hand feedback as they were involved in the citizen feedback survey. They took part in the Swachh Sarvekshan 2016-17 in which each zone was divided into further sub-groups and was allotted different areas of each zone for the rst week of URMI to collect feedback and ll the online Swachh Sarvekshan forms on behalf of citizens. Students took the task responsibly and played a vital role in sensitizing the public about the importance of cleanliness drive, the active role which the citizens can play in the drive and helped them in downloading the Swachhta application on their mobile phones. The Deputy Health Ofcers of AMC zones guided students in this task. In the second week of internship, students paid a visit to the newly constructed multi-storied Auditorium of AMC at Bodakdev where they attended interactive lectures sessions on town-planning by Shri Mayank Raval, Assistant Manager who briefed the students about the city structure, existing town- planning and future roadmap of the city's town planning. He also explained the implementation challenges of SP ring road project. Another lecture sensitized students about the urban trafc management through construction of yover bridges by AMC. 5