SLS Mirror Dec - Jan 2017 | Page 34


handicrafts , jewellery making , stitching and other skills . 200 women have enlisted themselves with the NGO which is working with Ahmedabad City Police on this project .
The project is a live example of change in motion . The difference to the lives , self esteem , status in society and overall demeanor of these women and their families is commendable .
Project sustainability is dependent on industry support and encouragement offered through various ways like employability skill training and job opportunities offered to these women .
This is a post rehabilitation study of the bootlegger women of the Chhara community in Ahmedabad . Working to transform the Women of Chhara Community in Ahmedabad involved in bootlegging , theft and shoplifting , Ahmedabad City police has tied up with NGO ' s to hand hold , rehabilitate , impart vocational training , empower them and bring these women in the mainstream through Suraksha Setu Project . The parameters of assessing successful mainstreaming are gainful work , coverage of government schemes , community feeling , and other indicators of standard of living .
The major assumptions guiding the research were that the mainstreaming into society and gainful employment play key role in ameliorating any post-trauma injuries . Also , it is a proven criminological wisdom that post parole rehabilitation requires constant monitoring and active engagement of socio-psychological faculties of inmates .
The project was carried with a motive to understand the role of Police and the concerned NGO in bringing stability in the chequered lives of the Chaara women . In a way this Sakhi Sahay Project under the Suraksha Setu Initiative is a biographical account of the progress made by the Chharas . Research Team from SLS , PDPU has tried to track the need and inevitability of their illicit liquor making profession . The entire effort of this project revolves at documenting how they have moved from their erstwhile profession to now being self suf�cient artisans . Guarding against all obfuscations , we have centred our empirical analysis around