Slovenian Contemporary Portrait exhibition catalogue Nov 2013 | Page 19
September / September / Setembro
Delo Nataše Košmerl temelji
na intimnem raziskovanju
sebe in vsakdanjih
življenjskih trenutkov. Serija
September je nastala v ?asu
njenega študija kot nekakšno
samoraziskovanje oziroma
spoznavanje same sebe in
zveze, v kateri je bila s
pomo?jo medija fotografije.
Na fotografijah je poskusila
upodobiti trenutno po?utje in
ob?utke, ki so se ji takrat
The work of Nataša Košmerl
has its foundations in the
intimate exploration of herself
and moments from everyday
life. She created the series
September while studying,
as a kind of self-exploration,
a way to get to know herself
and the relationship in which
she was present through
photography. On the
photographs, she tried to
capture and depict her
condition at the time and her
feelings that were emerging.
O trabalho de Nataša
Košmerl baseia-se na
exploração intíma de si
mesma e nos momentos do
quotidiano. A série de
fotografias September foi
realizada durante os seus
estudos como uma forma
de auto-exploração, como
uma maneira de, através da
fotografia, se conhecer a si
mesma e à relação na qual
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