SLO What? SLO What Winter 2018 | Page 4

B O DY 02 POSIT IVITY WRITTEN BY: KENDAL MAZZOCCO In a society focused around social media and technology, we are constantly bombarded with thousands of pictures and images a day. Now, this can mean a number of things but for most of us it brings a dreadful reality. Women are constantly being forced into comparing themselves to others, and worst of all, being forced to compare themselves to photoshopped bodies and filtered faces. Media has always put the pressure on women to become perfect, to have the “ideal” body, but in today’s world it has become an over the top obsession. No longer are we just seeing models on television, movies, and magazines, we are seeing them every single time we unlock our phones or check our computers. It is hard enough not to compare yourselves to others, but when we are being thrown images (highly edited images to be exact) at every single aspect of our day it becomes even easier to find someone to compare yourself to. How can we, as women, as a society, as a world, learn to cope with this? How can we get back into the routine of loving ourselves? How do we stop comparing ourselves to others? BATHING SUITS: DIANE’S BEACHWEAR