Sleeves Magazine March-April 2017 | Page 12

" It ' s like they ' ve seen all our tricks before !" Mannix said in the huddle . " We ' ve got to surprise everyone , even ourselves !"

" How do we do that ?!" asked Freddie , the most skilful , but also the most timid player on the team . " Do whatever you shouldn ' t be able to do !" said Mannix , standing up and smiling .

So they went back out and played like they ' d never played before , throwing behind their backs , between their legs , over their heads and under their feet . They dropped a lot of discs , Mannix most of all , but they caught even more , and closed the gap until they were level as the clock ticked down toward zero . With one second to go Mannix chased a

Foto : Jose Emilio de Veyra Sleeves Magazine