When you are with a group doing
things together, there is more
possibility of having real fun. A good
example is making a party totally
diļ¬erent from the usual party you
know. Be unique. Organise indoor
games. Just having snacks and drinks
without games or any fun activity could
be boring because you will run out of
stories to tell if all you do is talk the
whole night.
"But my place is small? I wish my
parents had bought a huge house."
If organizing your own party is not
possible because your place is not big
enough to accomodate at least 10
friends, then why not go for a picnic, or
bike trip or bowling party. Working and
playing together without spending too
much money is enjoyable. A chance to
get acquainted with each other being
with a group is the best way. Your girl
will like this idea for sure. And you will
be thankful that we have given you this
piece of advice that works to get the
heart of the girl you like.
Sleeves Magazine