Letter from the Editor
Dear Readers,
The most challenging task for me is to write this letter because
writing in general is something I am not good at. It is only because
of my love for images that I decided to put up this magazine which
I now call it SLEEVESMAGAZINE.COM. Don't be surprised when
you see that most of the photos were taken by me.
The format of the magazine is intended for Tablet and Smartphone
users because the potential of getting a bigger number of readers
is larger than when it is print publication. Besides, it is less costly.
Since this is my first issue, that means there is so much to improve.
I will be including from time to time video or audio interviews and
also welcome/nurture instant feedback.
How will Sleeves Magazine be different from other fashion
magazines? I guess Sleeves will be known for its „imperfection“,
better that I say it now. Quoting what the late poet Wislawa
Szymborska from Poland said in her Nobel Lecture in 1996 that
"all imperfection is easier tolerated if served up in small doses."
Since I have no intention to imitate other well-known
magazines, that means that the magazine will never look
flawless. I want to make it as more natural as possible, featuring
real people from all walks of life and not simply having some
famous people in most of the pages or seeing expensive items
being advertised. That is partly what I mean by imperfection.
Why is the magazine for young men? I think it is appropriate to
concentrate in men's fashion as there are already many existing
magazines for women. We will talk more about men's stuff
which includes style, sports, their interests and other related
topics. Sections like Arts and Lifestyle are added which I know
many readers will be interested in as well.
Sleeves Magazine