SLDA Q3 Newsletter SLDA Q3 Newsletter | Page 33

店外培训 External Training 5 6 9 7 8 5. 人力资源部白洁前往香港集团总部参加程序改进证书认证培训。 Maggie Bai from HR attended Process Mapping/Improvement Certification and Labor Productivity Training at SLIM. 6. 餐饮部高永和,唐荣,隋国威和孙世伟前往宁夏参加中国青年侍酒师大赛荣获优胜奖。 Jackson Gao, Rose Tang, Gavin Sui and Jerry Sun from F&B won the Outstanding Prize in China Young Sommelier Team Competition which was held in Ningxia. 7. 餐饮部王兵前往杭州城中香格里拉大酒店参加中式茶道培训。 Alice Wang from F&B attended Art of Chinese Tea Program at SHHZ. 8. 餐饮部隋国威前往北京参加咖啡知识技能培训。 Gavin Sui from F&B attended Art of Barista Program in Beijing. 9. 工程部张大禹前往哈尔滨香格里拉大酒店参加高级工程课程研讨会。 Bill Zhang from ENG attended DoE Workshop Program in SHAR. 30 / NEWSLETTER