SLDA Q3 Newsletter SLDA Q3 Newsletter | Page 17

让我们一起清洁海滩,净化自然 Let’s Clean the Beach Together 酒店积极响应一年一度的“世界海滩清洁日”活动的号召,于9月29组织酒店义工到大连 金沙滩海边捡拾垃圾。来自不同部门的20位同事在太阳下的海滩上忙碌着,一点一点捡 拾垃圾清洁海滩,乐在此,爱在此! To answer the call for World Coastal Cleanup Day, Shangri-La Hotel, Dalian has organized a volunteer activity on September 29, 2016 to clean the beach on the Gold Sand Beach. 20 staff from the different departments have participated in the activity. We cleaned the beach inch by inch, everyone was sweat off while enjoying the meaningful work. 14 / NEWSLETTER