SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 7

Study Says Spider-Man is the Most Popular Marvel Movie Series at SLAS A ccording to a recent survey conducted at SLAS, students prefer the Spider-Man series over 10 other Marvel series, including X-Men, The Avengers, Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool, and The Fantastic Four. The survey numbers were close, and in second place was Thor, with The Avengers in third. 11th grader Nikita Kirzyk countered Sarah’s senti- ment stating, “I like Thor more than Spider-Man be- cause Thor’s powers are better. There are also too The newest and most popular Spider-Man mov- many Spider-Man movies.” ie, Far From Home, released in 2019, grossed over $1,000,000,000. There’s a total of 7 Spider-Man mov- Almost all of the movies from the Marvel Cinematic ies. The first three movies, Spider-Man 1, 2, and 3 had Universe typically earn over $200,000,000 each. The the actor Tobey Maguire play Spider-Man. Following newest Avengers movie, Endgame, released in 2019, that, The Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 featured An- had a worldwide earning of over $2,000,000,000. drew Garfield as Spider-Man, while the newest two Spider-Man movies, Spider-Man Homecoming and All Marvel Studios movies originated from comics Far From Home, featured Tom Holland as the protag- drawn in the 20th century. Marvel released its first onist. comic in 1939, and today, there are over 80 Marvel movies. Sarah Higashiyama, a tenth grader at SLAS, said she prefers this series because, “It is funnier and more The most popular heroes from the franchise came light-hearted than the others on the list.” from comics created by former Marvel head of com- pany Stan Lee (RIP). by Myles Jin