SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 41

by Myles Jacob Jin D espite being a Christian holi- day, people of different faiths and cultures from all around the world celebrate Christmas. These people celebrate Christmas be- cause it has become a cultural celebration more than a religious celebration. Based on advertisements and decorations at malls, Christmas appears to be a commercial- ized celebration. Most children in America and around the world are excited for Christmas because of the gifts Santa Clause will bring. They also enjoy the songs, feasts and treats associated with the hol- iday. Most kids I know think about everything else besides the birth of Jesus when the topic of Christ- mas comes up. 1800s. In the past, not many Chris- tians celebrated it either because According to the Pew Research it was not confirmed in the bible if Center Survey, 46 percent of Christ was really born on Decem- adults thinks Christmas is more ber 25th. of a cultural holiday than a reli- gious holiday. About 25 percent of Today, secular and non-religious Americans are bothered by Christ- people around the world cele- mas becoming more cultural rath- brate Christmas by shopping and er than religious. consuming. Movies, books and products are sold highlighting fig- “Christmas” originated with Ro- ures like Santa Clause, reindeer, man Pagans. On that day, they and elves. Here in China, it is not celebrated the birth of Mithra, the unusual to see malls decorated god of the unconquerable sun. Mi- with western images of Christmas thra’s birthday was within the time festivities. of the holiday of Saturnalia, which was celebrated to honor Saturn, Christmas contains many different the god of agriculture. The holiday meanings. Anyone is free to inter- on this day was later adopted by pret the celebration any way they Christians, and popularized in the want. Christmas is a Secular Holiday (And That’s OK)