SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 30

Introducing the Digital Media Class by Martina Barona D igital media is a new class at Livingston that pro- motes 21st century technology skills in media de- sign and production. There are currently two sections for the 2019 to 2020 school year, and Robert van West teaches both. Students taking this class will learn to create using web design, graphic design, product de- sign, photo editing, audio editing, video editing, and general creative production skills. although there are rules, we can apply our own style.” Medina said that she is proud of her photo slideshow work thus far, and she looks forward to more au- dio-visual projects in the future. Another student, 12th grader Francis Tseng, said, “I chose this class because I am interested in editing photos and videos. I think it is good to learn about On the importance of the program, Mr. van West said, these skills because this way I can create something “We have this class because these are modern skills amazing. I want to major in graphic design or anima- that people need. At work and in school, you will of- tion design in college, so this gives me an advantage.” ten be required to create videos and slick creative media presentations.” Tseng’s favorite project from the first quarter is the music video she created using footage from the film 21st-century skills taught in digital media class help Spirited Away and music from indie-pop singer Mac students participate in the rapidly growing global Demarco. economy. These skills are essential in the age of dig- itization. In the upcoming quarters, students will learn how to make podcasts, how to use graphic design software, Sara Medina, a 10th grader who takes the class, not- and they will be able to design and print their own ed, “I chose digital media because I wanted to devel- T-shirts and tote bags at Idle Hands screen printing op my computer skills. My favorite part of this class studio. is when we get to personalize our assignments, and