SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 29

by Sarah Higashiyama M usic makes time pass more quickly and enjoy- ably. Many students don’t like to study because it’s boring, however, specialists conclude that music can make the process more interesting and it can help people retain more information. the Mozart Effect). Classical music can make you re- lax, also produce Alpha waves. The alpha wavelength produces relaxation, increase learning, memory, concentration, and production of serotonin. The stated effects don’t work with all songs. Songs Music can also help reduce stress and depression with lyrics can be distracting and will give a negative by lowering cortisol levels. Also, music can improve impact. David Cotler, a teacher of history and jounal- your ability to focus. According to a new study at ism at Brimmer and May says silence is necessary Stanford, by observing MRI brain images patterns in while studying or thinking. response to music, scientists found music improves working memory (Chris Chafe, Ph.D. the Duca Family Personally, jazz helps me when I study writing and Professor of Music at Stanford and his team). It also math. What kind of music helps you study? helps students to memorize information (known as Listening to Instrumental Music Can Improve Studying