SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 28

Why is Mac Very Popular Among Students by Andrew Park complex security than Windows. More than 50% of the people who participated in the survey like the security of Mac OS. According to Mikaela Jane Cordero, a senior student, “I do not get a lot of virus in Mac Book comparing to Win- dows OS.” The last reason why students use MacBooks instead of Windows is that Mac is compatible with other Apple products. You can transfer files using Airdrop, and there are fewer USB slots than Windows laptops. So people use Airdrop to transfer files instead of USB. Ac- cording to Hana Kiyota, “I use Mac because it is very easy to transfer files using my iPhone and iPad.” A ccording to a recent study, SLAS students prefer to use Mac more than Windows, because of Mac’s complex security, attrac- tive appearance, and compatibili- ty with other Apple products. There are numerous differences between the Microsoft Operating System (Windows) and the Apple Operating System (Mac OS). Mac OS transfer files using Airdrop and fewer USB slots, however, Win- dows use USB to transfer files. These difference cause them to have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, Mac OS is compatible with other Apple One-third of the students in the survey use Windows laptops. Some people use Windows be- cause it is more affordable than products, while Windows is com- Mac. Windows laptops cost $300 patible with USB users. to $700 on average. MacBooks cost an average of $3,200. Mac- One of the most common reasons books are more expensive be- why most students use MacBook cause expensive materials are instead of Windows laptops is used to make MacBooks. that MacBooks have a better ap- pearance than other laptops. Kei According to Sarah Lee, a 10th Taichi, a 10th grade student, said grade student, “I do not want to “I love the gray and slim design of learn new techniques from Mac- my Mac Book. MacBooks are also Books.” She added that Mac OS is lighter than most of the Windows harder to learn than Windows OS. laptops, so they are easier to carry than other laptops.” Most students tend to stick with what they know. They are afraid of The second reason why students trying new products. use MacBooks more than Win- dows is that Mac OS has more