Reviewed : Yellow Croaker Crunches by Angela Chen
This dried fish snack is called “ Yu Ran Zi
De ” Yellow Croakers , and it did not look as appealing as I expected it to be .
When I first looked at the bag , it was like looking at a bunch of dead fish corpses ( I mean , the contents were dead fish anyway ). The bag ’ s design is a bit awkward , and it had this big transparent circle in front to display its contents . I decided that it was probably designed like this to scare away young children . Apparently , according to words on the back of the packet , it wasn ’ t designed for young and old people anyway .
Yu Ran Zi De Yellow Croakers are definitely something I ’ d recommend to people , especially fish-lovers . However , due to the hardness of the snack , I don ’ t recommend eating too much each time .
When I ripped open the bag , the stench of seaweed , salt , and ocean came rushing into my nose immediately . It was just sort of … Stinky . It was that familiar seaside smell , the one that you ’ d usually catch whenever you ’ re close to the beach .
Taking my first bite , I immediately regretted it . It felt like I was biting and chewing rock . The fish was also saltier than I expected it to be , and , when I compared that to the dried fish I used to eat , it didn ’ t have that sweet tinge . In the end , I stopped eating it because I got kinda thirsty . My teeth were sore and numb , too .
My sister having a hard time chewing the fish