SLAS Times Magazine | Q2 Winter 2022 Winter Edition 2021-2022 | Page 6


Bullying Policies

a wall of anonymity , without letting their identity become known to others ,” she said .
Dustin Chen , grade 10 , said bullying mostly occurs on WeChat because it is popular in China . In other countries , anonymous apps act as a breeding ground for bullying .
6 | SLAS TIMES by Apollo Popowitz

SLAS has a well-defined anti-bullying policy and it is highlighted during the anti-bullying week from November 15 to 19 . During anti-bullying week , students become more familiarized with the anti-bullying policies mentioned in the student handbook .

Anti-bullying week is organized by the school to familiarize students with the policies . On each day of this week , students are supposed to participate in each of the unique celebrations . It is not mandatory , however ,
Student Councilor Olivia Hayes
students are encouraged to participate . One of the celebrations includes Odd Socks Day , where students wear mismatched socks to school to express that being different is ok .
The school follows protocol to report bullying to administrators and teachers . There is a “ bully box ” near Mr . Jamal ’ s office where victims of bullying can submit anonymous tips . Per the SLAS Secondary Handbook on page 21 , students are prohibited from bullying others in any way . There are multiple repercussions if a student performs any type of bullying , including detention , suspension , and expulsion .
Many students have been signing the anti-bullying pledge on the 3rd floor .
It reads , “ By signing this pledge I agree to : Treat others respectfully , include those who are left out , refuse to bully others , refuse to watch , laugh , or join in when someone is being bullied , speak out and / or seek help when I am aware of bullying , and help those who are in need .”
Today , bullying mostly occurs online . This process is called cyberbullying . Most schools have already cracked down on physical bullying on the school campus . According to the Student Councilor Ms . Olivia , It is extremely easy to bully people on social media apps such as WeChat , Twitter , Instagram , and many others . “ Bullying is happening more often online because people can hide behind
Principal Jamal Hill