SLAS Times Magazine | Q1 2021 Fall 2021 | Page 30

SLAS Sports : Volleyball Update by Kate Norraine Cabante

The high school girls ’ volleyball team was nervous and excited , but when the whistle blew at the start of the first game , they quickly jumped into position and played with intensity . in volleyball since joining the team last year . I thought that practicing for the whole volleyball season last year was worth it . We had more time to improve and practice better .

After a year of not competing against other schools , our volleyball teams were clamoring to get back in the swing of regular competition .
The season started on September 6 , 2021 , and ended on October 16 , 2021 . The girls ’ team competed at four schools and won against SSIS during the regular season . Moreover , we were also part of the championship cup at the tournament . It was fun and challenging competing against two schools , YCIS and Concordia , on the same day . The girls beat Concordia but lost against YCIS .
It was my first time competing against other schools
The boys ’ team competed at the same schools as the girls did and beat SSIS . The boys ’ team was also part of the championship cup , competing against YCIS Puxi , BISS , and Concordia . The boys were victorious over BISS and YCIS .
Changes also occurred throughout the season . There were only four games this year , and the girls ’ team was much larger than last year .
The coaches told me they are sad to see their star seniors leaving this year , but they look forward to seeing new faces come in next year .