SLAS Times 2018/2019 Fall 2018 | Page 28

On the Road to Victory with the SLAS Volleyball Teams by Eric Park T here are two volleyball teams at SLAS; a teams by encouraging them when you see boy’s team and a girls’ team. Keita, Aidan, them at school. Alvin, Jeric, Kimoni, Eric, Andrew, Dusan, Hongan, and Tersing are on the boy’s team. Hana, Jannah, Micmic, Sae, Sarah, Rita, Nagi, and Ruruka are on the girl’s team. On Sep- tember 7th, 2018, SLAS had their first game against YCIS. The boys’ volley ball team won two to zero, but unfortunately the girl’s team lost two to one in a heated match. The volleyball coach, Mr. McBroom, stays af- terschool everyday to train both the girls and boys volleyball teams. He is passionate about creating champions among us. Ms. Kelli is also a supporting coach for the teams. Keita, captain of the boys’ volleyball team, works very hard to control and inform his teammates to say in focus during the games and practices. He tells his teammates to go to the right positions, to come to practice, and to work efficiently. Nagi, captain of the girls’ volleyball team, works just as hard to lead her team and she is great at keeping everyone focused. The boys’ volleyball team won all the games they played. This season, they are running ahead of BISS PX, SAS PX, SCIS HQ, SSIS Sh, Suzhou, and YCIS Px. Shanghai Livingston American School, our proud school, is the only school with zero losses for the boys’ team. SLAS Volley Ball Teams are looking forward to being the champions this year. Support our