tor, or “Big Kahuna,” of this fine publication,
and I’m also brand new to SLAS. If you see
me walking around campus with my camera,
smile and say “cheese.” I may just get you in
the SLAS Times (if you’re lucky). Some of you
may be shy, but think of it this way: everyone
We have Eric Park on sports, Anthony Yates should get the spotlight at least once in life.
on music, Sarah Lee on culture, Martina Bar-
ona on academic life, Aileen Kang on school So why not get in the spotlight now?
events, Andrew Park on technology, Drabya
Rana on culture, and Kei Taichi on student All of us in the journalism department are ex-
life. Do you see the blonde girl in the back? cited to see this magazine evolve into the me-
That’s our Spanish corespondent Laura Pas- dia behemoth it deserves to become. We’re
cual. She unfortunately had to return to her proud to present you, dear reader, to a fan-
home country, but we at least managed to tastic, scholastic potpourri of student lifestyle
stories and photo spreads.
squeeze one article out of her for this issue.
ew, new, new! Everything is new this new
year. Sick of reading the word “new” yet?
Ok, well sorry for that, but I’m just so excit-
ed to introduce the ne-, uh, I mean “current”
journalism team to you.
You may be asking yourself “who is that guy
above in the Hawaiian shirt? Is he a male
model, or something?” Well, close but no ci-
gar. That’s me, Robert van West. I’m the edi-
So now heat up a mug of hot chocolate, kick
back on a comfy sofa and prepare to enjoy
the, ahem, “new” journalism crew’s first foray
into the art of the student lifestyle magazine.
Robert van West