A Six Useful Apps for
by Martina Barona
Khan Academy
Khan Academy helps
students improve in
diff erent areas of Math,
Science, Programming,
Economics, History and
more. It also prepares students for tests such as
the SAT’s. The soft ware shows students what they
are struggling with, and also helps the teacher
know what they’re struggling with. Maxon Jin, a
9th grader, says, “Khan Academy is really help-
ful for practicing your math skills, and if you are
falling behind in a class you can watch the videos
and do the practice exercises.”
Quizlet helps students
create flashcards and
practice tests in a fast
and eff icient manner.
Students can also make
their own vocabulary lists while studying for tests
and quizzes. Some Quizlet flashcards are avail-
able online in their complete form, so they can
help you save a lot of time studying.
Learning a new lan-
guage is diff icult, but this
free app is here to help.
Desmos helps students
It teaches new vocab-
graph math equations.
ulary and then it gives
If students don’t have a
exercises to practice. 9th grader Aileen Kang said
calculator, they can use
“Duolingo was helpful when I studied Japanese
Desmos as an alterna-
because it showed me how to pronounce the
tive. Kyle, a 10th grader, said, “Desmos is a good words and taught me what the characters looked
way for students to understand diff erent methods like. It also gave me examples of new words.”
to understand diff erent topics such as graphs, in-
equalities and problem-solving skills.”
YouTube is not only for
Grammarly helps stu-
entertainment, it can
dents with their writing.
also teach students
It is a fast proofreader
about topics that they
that corrects the mis-
don’t understand or that
takes in documents. It
they didn’t go over in class. It allows for visual
checks for grammar,
walkthroughs of topics. Not only that, it is also a
punctuation, word choice, spelling and style. free platform with actual lessons from real teach-
It also checks for plagiarism, so you will not get ers.
points deducted from your work. Victor, a 12th
grader, said, “In my opinion, Grammarly is very
helpful because it automatically corrects my
grammar whenever I’m typing on my computer.”