Core Values and the House System Make
Our School Special
By Martina Barona
teacher gives students house points when
they show one of the following core values
and in middle school and high school. There
are also core value lessons every Wednesday
in homeroom.
Each core value has its own meaning and
each student can earn a house point based
on what they portray.
he house system is based on core values
(Creative thinker, Compassionate citizen,
Confident individual and Proficient Commu-
nicator) and everyone in the school is put into
one of the following teams Black Lions, Red
Lynx, White Tigers, and Silver Snow Leopards.
The core values also help students in the long
term and they are inserted into every class
and lesson in this school. For instance, the
“Core values help me socialize more and
they are moral rules for me.“
One of the core values is “Proficient Communicator.” A proficient communicator is able to
communicate clearly and think and express ideas in different ways.
Another core value is a “Confident Individual.” To be one you need to believe in yourself and
stand up for what is right.
“Creative Thinker” is another value. Creative thinkers are open-minded and have the urge to
learn new concepts.
The final core value is “Compassionate Citizen of the World.” Compassionate citizens respect
each other, are kind to one another and are able to work together in groups.