Sky's Up Global Astronomy Magazine Volume IV (December 2021) | Page 2

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Global Astronomy Magazine
ISSN 2768-2285 ( Digital ) • ISSN 2768-2285 ( Print )
Volume IV - Published December 2021
Explore Scientific .

The Québec Model

Controlling light pollution with the BNQ 4930-100 standard
A Guide to the Sky ............. Pg . 6 Wonderful Universe .......... Pg . 8 Upcoming events ........... Pg . 15

Collaborative Effort

Moroccan observatory brings together professional , amateur astronomers

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Saving the night

Efforts to counter light pollution earn IDA recognition for Bisei

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Astropoetry ...................... Pg . 44 The Art of Astronomy .... Pg . 52 Seasonal Calendars ........ Pg . 62

on the cover

Astrophotographer Adrian Bradley captured this stunning image of Orion and the Winter Milky Way under the vast dark skies above Camp Billy Jo at the Okie Tex Star Party .