Sky's Up Global Astronomy Magazine Volume III (September 2021) | Page 56

access to astronomy and organized basic astronomy sessions and observations for public and schools . Aside from astronomy , we also organized writing class as part of our science communication project . The idea was to teach scientists or young scientists to communicate their work in easy to understand articles . In terms of building online presence and to communicate with our readers , fans , and followers , we use social media such as Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram as Indonesia public are among the highest users of this platform . By actively engaging with our readers and followers , we also engage with astronomy communities in Indonesia and become witnesses of community growth over the past decade . The International Year of Astronomy became one of the triggers for the increasing number of the amateur astronomy community . But that was not the sole reason . The increasing number of social media users also provide us with the new astronomy club and communities in many provinces in Indonesia . And in 2017 , the amateur communities gathered for the first time to share and collaborate . Along with the growth of astronomy communities , astronomy websites and channels are also growing in numbers as a means to provide information for Indonesia public .
Discussing astronomy with children during the Curious Children Festival .
As the pandemic hits the world , we also shifted all our offline projects to online platforms and started a new segment of interview with astronomers to inspire young people to pursue astronomy and science as well as giving our followers a glimpse of astronomers ’ life and work .
COURTESY OF langitselatan
In 2021 , langitselatan celebrates its 14th anniversary and as teenagers , there is a long road for us to communicate and educate astronomy in Indonesia . In the future we hope to keep evolving and adapt ourselves with new methods and technologies to communicate with the public . n n n Avivah Yamani is an astronomy communicator from Indonesia . She is the co-founder of the langitselatan , an online astronomy media in Indonesia language . She is also a Project Director of 365 Days Of Astronomy , astronomy daily podcast and right now serve as Indonesia National Coordinator for IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach .
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