the art of astronomy
the art of astronomy
Astrophotographer: Jack B. Newton
Astrophotographer: Chuck Kimball
The Sun
Draco Dwarf
The tumultuous
personality of our star
resonates in this photo by
Newton. He captured this
image using a Coronado
SolarMax II 90mm double
stack solar telescope with
an H-alpha filter and a DMK
31 AUO CCD camera. It was
processed with Registax and
Adobe PhotoShop.
Kimball captured this photo of the Draco
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy in June 2014 with
an Explore Scientific 208mm Newtonian
outfitted with an ES coma corrector and a
CanonXsi/450dH DSLR modified by Hutech
Astronomical Products. The image is a stack of
60 five-minute exposures at ISO 800 and 1600.
NGC 2647
“I was inspired to work on this object by
an image from Bernhard Hubl with the
European team CEDIC. The driving force of
the nebulosity is not clear but is likely strongly
affected by HD 64315, the brighter star in
S311, the lighter portion to the right of center.
There are two cataloged open clusters near
the center.”
The image, which was taken in February, was
acquired using an ES 208mm Newtonian with
an ES coma corrector, a Canon XT/350D DSLR
modified by Hap Griffin and a