SKORCH Holiday 2017 | Page 18

Skorch F INTERVIEW E AT U R E Fashion school only taught how to make clothes for fashion models. Her dive into the fashion industry didn’t start as a designer, but instead as a model. At the age of 14 and in the time when plus size clothing was the farthest thing from young or cool, she ventured into the world of plus size modeling. As time went on, however, she found herself drawn more to design. She eventually ma- jored in it in college. But even in the school of design, she found herself having to take on chaos and make it something beautiful. Fashion school only taught how to make clothes for fashion models. Instead of being taught how to fit clothes to plus size bod- ies, she had to figure it out through trial and error.While most people would have torn their hair out paying tons of money for schooling that left out the very body she hoped to dress, Theary only fell more in love with the challenge. Which was good, because the challenge was just beginning. Attending school in the south had changed her body...well cornbread and greens changed her body but that’s pretty much the same thing. The extra weight gain meant she no longer met her agency’s idea of a “catalog model” and she was dropped. Another challenge, anoth- er smile, another shrug. She found herself a job at a bank, and focused in on her dream of having her own clothing line. She took every class, went to every business seminar and found out how to make her dream