This month's feature story is about today's generation, we call the "Tweet Generation".
Today's teens are using technology as part of their daily lives throughout their day, and in doing so, don't truly realize the effects in which they are causing.
According to an article written by Joseph Ventura D.C. from the magazine American Chiropracter, he has noted that 38.3% of children, especially more so in boys there seems to be a difference of occurance of poor posture found between 7 year old and 11 year olds. Apparently kids at younger ages today are seeking help from adult type pain and discomfort.
This actually started in the 90's when many schools started eliminating lockers and required kids to carry their lockers in their backpacks. Then came hand held games , and of course today is our cell phones, which wasn't about making the calls but about their texting. The author of the article who's daughter is 11 years old actually sent out over 11,0000 texts in a month.
Kids from 9 to early adulthood, engaging in such activities, have created that Forward Head Posture profile.