Skizzleville Online Magazine Vol. 5 | Page 24

Many surprises are headed your way this month aries! Enjoy the remainder of summer, with friends and enjoy!

Like your friend Aries, you too will enjoy the last days before school starts with friends. Look out for that someone special checking you out!

Make sure to save your allowance, so that you have extra money when you need it, especially if you meet that special someone.

This is your year cancer, get ready for an amazing school year just ahead! Enjoy your last few days of summer with friends and family at the beach or picnics.

Summer is almost over, though your best budy may have been away they should be back shortly, giving you enough time to hang out catch up and have some fun!

Don't look at summer as if you missed out on anything, it still not too late, there's plenty of activities you can get involved in, just get up, get out and do it!

Another great month for you my friend Libra, especially since you and your buddy have many planned activities, but make sure to keep out of trouble!

Enjoy the down time after such a crazy July, since school is just around the corner. It's a great time to catch up and organize yourself. Take in a movie hang out with family.

This is a great time to register at a gym, relax and get your head and mind ready for the start of school year. Though there is chaos around you it will fade through the month...

Someone's been crusin on you all summer, you didn't even realize close and yet so far... It's been a great month of fun and activities, but it's almost time to take it down a notch.

It's been an amazing summer for you Aquarius, it's time for you to relax and take it easy before the start of school. Help a friend who may need your advise or support.

Time to get ready for school, make sure you are well organized this year. Hanging out with friends will make you the life of the party,

Take the time to listen to a

friend in nneed