Both the sun and wind can dry your skin, removing moisture which can create irritation. When this occurs, pre-existing acne can become even more irritated, which in turn prolongs the problem. While irritation won't directly cause more acne to form, it can worsen the problem. It is important to keep proper moisture in the skin.
Perhaps one of the most common myths is that oily skin does not need moisture. This is not true. Just because skin is oily, does not mean it is moisturized. By cleansing the skin, you are wiping away excess oil, and my moisturizing it, you are helping it remain smooth and decreasing your chances for irritation.
By properly hydrating your skin, it not only will promote and stimulate cell growth, but it also helps the organs of our body to work together. If we keep our body properly hydrated, it will help your skin, and you will see less wrinkling and sagging and as you age you will continue to keep a youthful look for a longer period of time.
Although water is not the only natural remedy for our skin, it is the most important. Remember to drink your water daily.