Skin Health Magazine Issue #5 / Autumn-Winter 2017 | Page 21

A Pro Trainer on Why We Shouldn’t Skip the Warm up I f you already struggle to make time for exercise, it’s tempting to burst hard and fast into the moments you find. Don’t do that. Minutes spent warming up and cooling down are not wasted! Without them you can get less-efficient work- outs and even injuries, according to Joslyn Thompson Rule, Nike Global Master Trainer. We recently interviewed Joslyn about how best to start and finish workouts — because it’s very clear from the highly popular @joslynthomp- sonrule Instagram feed that she’s doing some- thing really right. SHM: How long should a warm up be? JTR: At least 5-10 minutes. The more intense the workout in terms of energy expenditure or load used, the longer your warm up should be. Warming up is not just a bout preparing for the movement ahead, it’s also about undoing daily movement/posture habits, which are often sub-optimal for performance. The shortest you can get away? No less than 5 minutes! SHM: What should every warm up include? JTR: You definitely need to warm up the rel- evant joints and movement patterns of the exercises you are about to do. For example, squats require hip opening mobility and acti- vating the muscles that will be working in the squat. This might be dynamic stretches to open up the hip flexors, crawl patterns to link our mind-muscle connection, goblet squats to prac- tice the movement and activation drills to switch on our “lazy” muscles. SHM: Is cooling down equally important? JTR: Yes, however it may be less specific than the warm up. Some simple stretches, steady state cardio or foam rolling may be your cool down of choice. You get to know your body and what makes it recover better. SHM: If I only have 15 minutes to exercise today, is warming up still essential? JTR: They don’t have to be separate things. Crawl patterns are a fun way to warm up but also get you sweating — it’s probably been some time since you were on all fours and it’s more challenging than you remember! I suggest five minutes of crawl patterns — bear crawls, crab walks — followed by 10 minutes of train- ing. If you can walk to and from your workout space, you should be good. ISSUE #05 | 2017 | 21 Diet & Fitness