Studies on the effects of sleep deprivation on
skin have suggested that a lack of sleep impairs
wound healing, affects skin barrier function and
repair, and can even reduce your ability to repair
sunburn after exposure to UV light. As a der-
matologist, I frequently encounter patients with
an exacerbation of inflammatory skin conditions
such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, at times of
poor sleep. Studies have also suggested chronic
lack of sleep is associated with increased signs
of ageing and, interestingly, a lower satisfaction
with appearance.
SHM: Some of us wake up with skin feeling
oilier, some with skin feeling drier. What can
we do about it?
CB: Consider your sleeping environment: try
to have natural cotton, linen, or silk fibres next
to your skin for clothing and bed sheets. Ensure
a comfortable level of temperature and humid-
ity — avoid overheating bedrooms in the winter
months, and don’t overuse the air-conditioning
in summer.
The level of sebum production in oily skin may
be reduced by using night creams containing
Niacinamide, Green Tea, or Retinol. Drier skin
would benefit from more moisturising products
containing Hyaluronic Acid or Ceramides.
sleep. Other suggestions include using silk
pillowcases to avoid dragging the facial skin.
SHM: Why does too little sleep prevent us from
getting these benefits?
CB: Sleep deprivation and alterations to sleep
pattern such as shift working are felt to be
detrimental to your skin. Studies have shown
that your skin barrier function can be affected
and that your skin will show greater signs of
ageing. There is also a wider effect of lack of
sleep on your wellbeing including disrupting
your immune system, which can cause poor
wound healing and repair, and affecting mood
and perception, which can give people lower
satisfaction with their appearance.
SHM: Do you have any tips for maximising the
benefits of sleep?
CB: Before sleep, cleanse the skin; remove
make-up and all the contaminants and pollut-
ants from the day. Then, use a night cream
suitable for your skin. Consider a cosmeceutical
product with ingredients to help address any
skin concerns you have — there is a greater
chance of an active ingredient being absorbed
by the skin barrier at night time. We need to
aim for eight hours of sleep a night — which
is easier said than done!
SHM: Why do eyes look puffy when we wake up?
CB: The medical term for puffy eyes is perior-
bital oedema. It can occur as a normal
phenomenon after sleep or after crying. Lying
in a horizontal position during sleep causes
redistribution of tissue fluid. The skin around
the eyes is particularly thin and shows this to
greater effect.
SHM: Does sleeping in certain positions con-
tribute to wrinkles?
CB: Creasing can occur to the delicate skin on
the face and chest area during sleep. It is nor-
mally advised to avoid this by sleeping on your
back — this is easier said than done, however,
as we often adopt a preferred position during
Dermatologist, Dr Catherine Borysiewicz
ISSUE #10 | 2019 | 11