Skilled Migrant Professionals February 2015 | Page 37

Finance SMP’s financial expert partners share their best tips on credit and debt management, insurance, money management, real estate and retirement savings. Even though the economy is currently experiencing some challenges, don’t put off your personal choice of becoming financially independent. Start now so you can reach your goals sooner. Credit management Aleks Grujicic, Associate Financial Adviser, Anne Street Partners Debt management Felicia Chee, Senior Finance Manager, Anne Street Partners Insurance Jethro Samuel, Risk Adviser, Anne Street Partners Whether it’s a holiday, renovations, gifts, or something you just have to have, there are many options to provide you with the credit to make your purchase. A personal loan is more suitable for larger purchases and will usually offer a lower interest rate than credit cards. Like a mortgage, you can choose a fixed interest rate so you know exactly how much you have to pay each month, or a variable rate whereby you can make additional repayments. An application fee is also usually charged. Credit cards are more suitable for smaller purchases and have the advantage of a spending limit which you are free to spend up to whenever you choose. There is a vast array of credit card options available with many different features (interest-free period, reward program, etc.), interest rates and annual fees. Ideally you would only have one card to avoid excessive debt. As much as credit is convenient and effective, there will be times where you will have better buying power with cash. It could be worth the wait to reap the savings. Also consider how much additional money you will outlay through purchasing on credit. Researching the best credit facility to suit your spending habits and repayment capability is essential. We know that debt can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. A debt consolidation plan can help you regain control of your finances and become debt free sooner. Developing and sticking to a realistic budget is key to being debt free. If you can motivate yourself to get excited about saving, either into some sort of account or into your mortgage, you will find it easier to say no to unnecessary spending. Do you have multiple credit cards? If you can’t afford to pay off your credit card debt each month, consider limiting yourself to one credit card with a very low interest fee and low maximum level of credit. Additionally, if you have debts spread across multiple providers, including a mortgage, enquire about refinancing with a better rate to consolidate your debts into one easy manageable repayment. Some debt can be ‘good debt’ too. Having an investment earning you income is great, but it may result in paying tax on that income. Borrowing to invest not only allows you to get a larger investment but th