Skilled Migrant Professionals Autumn 2016 | Page 34



And Mental Health

Well-being support for migrants in Australia
u MENTAL HEALTH IS A VERY IMPORTANT part of a person ’ s overall health and well-being . It is more than just the absence of mental illness , it is about a state of health where an individual recognises his or her abilities , is able to cope with the normal stresses of life , can work , volunteer or study productively , and is able to make a contribution to their community ( WHO , 2001 ). A decline in mental health and well-being can affect people of all ages , and from all cultures and social groups . Maintaining a state of optimal mental health and well-being is as important as maintaining your physical wellness .
By Sharon Orapeleng , Principal Consultant Psyched Solutions
Mental illness , on the other hand , is a diagnosable illness that affects people ’ s thinking , behaviours and emotions . It disrupts an individual ’ s ability to work , carry out daily activities and engage in satisfying relationships . It is , therefore , important that everyone who is concerned about their mental health and well-being , is able to access efficient and effective support for their individual needs .
In Australia , one in five people will be diagnosed with mental illness during any given year . In fact , 45 per cent of Australians aged 16 – 85 will experience a common mental health-related condition such as depression , anxiety or a substance use disorder in their lifetime ( Australian Bureau of Statistics , 2008 )
Research suggests that prevalence of mental health issues in people from migrant communities is similar to that of Australian born . The stresses of the migration and post-settlement process can understandably have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of migrant communities . It is important to understand , however , that culturally relevant support and services will be required to address this . A person ’ s cultural background affects their understanding and response to issues of mental health and well-being . Cultural values and personal circumstances also influence whether a person will seek support from friends , family , traditional healers or professional services .
Here are some common mental health and well-being issues that impact migrant communities .
• Disrupted and / or lost cultural and social support networks can cause isolation
• Language barriers
• Not knowing how the Australian health system works
• Lack of opportunities to utilise their occupational skills effectively
• A traumatic experience prior to migration
• Racism and discrimination , which can lead to the development of anxiety and depression
• Other factors associated with moving and settling in a new country , such as the acculturation process
It is important to recognise that a sense of belonging to family and community significantly improves the mental health and well-being of migrants . Recognising and celebrating people ’ s personal and cultural strength is also vital to making them feel welcome , and building their resilience .
Five tips to improving your mental health and well-being
• Improve your understanding of mental health issues so you can recognise the early signs and access support ( programs such as Mental Health First Aid can help )
• Connect with your local community groups and participate in activities of interest
• Volunteering is a great way to build your Australian work experience and make friends
• Engage in activities relevant to your culture ( traditional dancing , singing , gardening , weaving , or pottery )
• If you have experienced racism and / or discrimination report it ( read : Know your Rights Racial Discrimination and Vilification by the Australian Human Rights Commission )
If you have mental health concerns for yourself or someone you know , please call the following helplines . Lifeline Australia .......................... 13 11 14 Suicide Call Back Service ...... 1300 659 467 Kids Helpline ........................ 1800 55 1800 MensLine Australia ............. 1300 78 99 78 If you are looking for support or advice , call beyondblue on 1300 22 4636 , or go to your local GP .
34 www . smpmagazine . com . au | Autumn 2016