Skidmark Skatemag #39 | Page 46

MOUNTAIN TAMER BAND REVIEW PHOTOS AND INTERVIEW BY LISA CABRAL How long have you guys been rocking? Probably five years. How many roadies do you guys have? I would say a rotating constant of three. Classified. How many groupies are too many groupies? Science hasn’t reached that number yet. We cannot quantify that. Infinite amount is alright. What was your best gig? Man, I think Austin, Texas. Cheer Up Charlie’s. There was a show here too where I got naked and it was like, really fuckin’ wild. There were two shows in Austin that were crazy cause we played a house show on the 4th of July and they do not fuck around on the 4th of July in Austin, Texas. It was just like fireworks in the house. We had to restart the power like 10 times. People were skating in the attic, doing kick flips and shit. Yeah it was tight, that was probably the best. What was your worst gig? Here. So many. There’s so many bad gigs. There was a gig where I broke a pedal and this kid that played in like another band wouldn’t let me use his. We’re like one song in and I broke my drum pedal and we’re like, “Yo guys”, they’re sitting like right in front of the stage, like they just played, all their gear’s on the floor and we’re like, ”Yo guys, can we use your kick pedal?” And they like (gave a strange look) and I just like lit up and like blew up on ‘em. I’m like “Fuck these guys! They’re not about community!”, and they were all trying to talk shit to us. We