Skidmark Skatemag #36 | Page 28

Becker: So if a segway explodes in the woods while charging when nobody is around, does it make a sound? Garrett: No. But I’ve heard those things explode left and right. Becker: Speaking of blowing things up, didn’t you set yourself on fire once? Garrett: I did not set myself on fire, I had my dad pour gasoline over my head and light me onfire. Becker: And how’d that go? Garrett: It went really good actually. Becker: But wait, what happened after you set yourself on fire? Garrett: I ollied off of my roof into my pool. You can find that one on my Youtube channel. Becker: Haha, rad. So tell me what’s up with your wrist at the moment? Garrett: Surgery in five days. It’s been broken for two years.