Skeletomuscular April 2013 | Page 10


In conclusion, the muscoloskeletal system is very important but very fragile. This system is important because it provides movemnt and structure for all the other systems, so you can infere that without this system we wouldn't be able to do anyhting. And, this system is very fragile because it needs the apropiate care and treatment, if we don't take care of it properly it won't we will have serious problems on our daily life. The partial proyects helped me to understand the parts, diseases and treatment for this system. -Daniel Quiroga

There are many things that affect us on the inside, wether if it's psychological of physically inside of us, there are times where things simply go wrong in our body; i mean, it's inevitable considering that there are so much processes that take place in our body every day, one is bound to go wrong atleast once, because of ether things we to do our body or things that are accidentally done to us by other people like accidents. Our body is the most important possession we own, and we must take care of it at the cost of medicine and care. A few things related to the skeletomuscular system that can go wrong would be osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, which are caused by aging and consuming certain products that may taste good and so on, but they are really bad for our bodies in the long run. -Gonzalo Garcia

The musculeskeletal system is basically the hardware of the body, ir requires alot of cares because of being the carrier of all of the organs. Being careful about your musculoskeletal system is something that is vital, a disease that affect it can cause you a severe problem (speaking about movement mostly). The body itself has its own protection, but as the years pass you most be careful on how you threat your body in order to be healthy, strong and powerful. Diseases are always and everywhere, but one can decide if it want to protect its own body from them or not.

-Marco Martinez

On my conclusion about the musculoskeletal system, I must say that I learn a lot about it. With the activities that I did with my team all along the semester, they helped me a lot in the understanding of this system. I learn what it is and its functions. I understudied that are a type of striated muscles united to the skeleton. It protects the bones, gives movement to axial and appendicular skeleton, and maintains the body posture.

-Jhazid Cervantes