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Euthanasia is the act or process of painlessly ending the life of a person. Many times this is seen as a way to relief a person from suffering and pain. This could be by an injection or suspending the medical treatment. This is applied to persons who suffer from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder, for some people, religions and even countries this could be classified as suicide or murder. However, a physician may decide to end or not to prolong the patient’s life if he is extremely suffering, this occurs by administering drugs to relieve pain.
Voluntary Euthanasia - when the person asks for their life to be ended
Involuntary Euthanasia - end a life without the person's consent or authority
Active Euthanasia - end a life due to drugs, either done by themselves or with medical aid
Passive Euthanasia - end the life of a person by them not having the necessary needs of an everyday life
Physician-Assisted Suicide - suicide made possible with the help of a medical doctor and by them giving the patient an overdose of prescription
Assisted Suicide - when a person helps with the suicide
Religion opinions about Euthanasia
* Buddhists are not unanimous in their view of euthanasia, and the teachings of the Buddha does not explicitly deal with it. they are against involuntary euthanasia
* Christians, muslims and Sinkhs are mostly against euthanasia
* Islam considers medical ethics the same as ethics in other areas of life
"Decide to end or not to prolong the patient’s life if he is extremely suffering"