Are You satisfied with this work?
I'm extremely happy with how the video came out. Like I said, nobody was really
specifically filming for this initially, we just kind of realized 7 months before that its
been a while since we put out a full length video due to the fact so many of the
riders constantly had other video parts and web parts to work on for their shoe and
clothing sponsors. We decided we would put a video together to premiere at the
bright trade show and this is what we ended up with.
With what are you most satisfied?
The filming, no fisheye HD, editing, music, title and the overall vibe of the video really
portrays how we view and execute our skateboarding. And was really stoked to see
some of the younger guys and specifically the boards team pulling through with
really excellent parts
Who are the riders in the movie?
Jesse Turunen, Pirkka Pollari, Eniz Fazliov, Simo Mäkelä, Tommy May, Madars Apse,
Ross McGouran, Dallas Rockvam, Sami Miettinen, Miika Sandelin, and Niilo
Nikkanen have the main parts as well as some flow/friends and team riders who
only had HD footage so we didn’t use it.