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Crítica Inside Out


Inside Out is a Pixar film directed by Pete Docter . The story is set nowadays in the United States . The main characters are the emotions of a 10-year-old girl called Riley .
Riley and her parents have recently moved to California because of her father ’ s job . Riley starts to be sad because she misses her old school and friends . But , actually , the problem is in her mind ! Sadness is doing a mess : she is turning Riley ’ s happy memories into sad . Joy is trying to mend what Sadness have done . Toghether are going to recover the happy memories . Meanwhile , in the emotion ’ s table , Fear , Anger and Disgust are trying to control through the right way Riley ’ s life without spoil everything . During the long journey to “ Long Period Memory ” memories , Joy and Sadness are going to meet many extraordinary characters and pass by all parts of Riley ’ s mind .
I think this film is wonderful and an excellent way to understand how our minds work . There ’ s only one thing that I didn ’ t like and made me cry : the end of Bing Bong , the imaginary elephant-friend of Riley ’ s childhood . However , the rest of the film is spectacular .