SJUS (Simon Johnson University of Soccer) Feb 2014 | Page 7

SIMON JOHNSON UNIVERSITY OF SOCCER Superior physical capability cannot be maintained without the mental capability to continually drive it forwards. A continuous healthy mental state is vital to all other human functioning and optimum physical achievement will not be realised if mental health status is diminished. The transition from individual player to team player proves difficult for many due to the very competitive nature of the football industry and the pressure to constantly demonstrate individual value. By stifling creativity and originality, we have created a team of mechanically inferior robot type players, whose patterns of play are easily identified and defended by even mediocre opposition. By directing and integrating the personal attributes of our players into the “Team” situation, we are able to substantiate the claim by Aristotle that “The sum of the whole is greater than its parts”. Setting it aside from other soccer schemes, The Simon Johnson University of Soccer programme will, through continual assessment, action planning and programme development, support and guide the player throughout the whole of his professional career. Our current scheme is aimed at young people in the West Midlands between the ages of 12 and 15, the crucial years before entering into a professional club apprenticeship.