SIXTEEN (Human Relations Final Project) (May 5th) | Page 10

Use your freedom wisely

Everyone now a day doesn’t seem to appreciate the great part that freedom gives us, we concentrate in the other side, the responsibilities. They come hand in hand, with every “type” of freedom there are responsibilities for it, It’s like cause and effect. But what is freedom? All themes of history are full with them, with our ancestors and heroes fighting for it, people sacrificing lives fighting to get freedom, to liberate their country, for being independent mostly, but independent and to be free are different things. Independent, as the word says is to not depend on anyone or anything, don’t rely on others to survive or to continue, while freedom, it to act, speak, think without restrains, without anyone telling you not to, to be oneself. Freedom is not always equal or synonym of happiness, such as Frank Tyger’s quote: “Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.”

As humans we have plenty of freedoms, some of them are more dangerous than others, but every single one of them has its own responsibilities. An example, freedom of speech, you are free to say whatever you like and want, to express yourself, also to make complains and opinions, but the downside is that whatever you say, may or may not be taken in a bad way, is your freedom to say what you want, but your responsibility to not hurt anyone with those words. Also freedom is being able to respond for my own actions. Religion is another example, you are free to pick your own religion, to chose what you suits your beliefs more, and not following whatever religion everyone else believes, but with this as you have the opportunity to chose your own religion, everyone else does, and is your responsibility to respect that, do not judge for other person’s religion or treat them in a different way, also don’t try to persuade them to change their religion, is their choice to believe in what they desire. Liberty of expression is officially a human right, by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

The kind of freedom that we have today, makes us realize what our past has done for us, also what other persons have not achieved yet, and pray and hope to one day be able to get it. Those people wish to have it so badly, and we, who have freedom, don’t realize how important it is, how we own it and other people are dying to feel it. Sadly we can’t do anything for them right now, just to hope for the best, and also pray for everyone out there who doesn’t now the feeling of being free.