Six Star Magazine Six Star Magazine Summer 2006 | Page 30

SUBARU OWNERS lucky number 7 I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore... M ichael Harrison’s family has been purchasing Subaru automobiles since the early ‘80s. And, Michael has never had an accident in one – until Subaru number 7. Earlier this year, Michael and his wife Lisa were on their way back to Canada from South Carolina. Driving their trusty Subaru Outback, nicknamed “Oz,” they were travelling north along I-79 when a rapid change in temperature instantly created deadly black ice. Within a few metres there were three dangerous single-vehicle accidents. Michael and Lisa became the fourth! Unfortunately for them, their car went from black ice on the road to an equally ice covered shoulder and soon they were rolling over counterclockwise, then clockwise down the ditch. When it was all said and done, their vehicle had settled in a grove of small trees. Michael and Lisa checked themselves out, and then checked each other out. With no obvious injuries, they got themselves out of their 2005 Outback and surveyed the damage. “Oz” looked a mess “Oz” took a major beating in this rollover but the passenger cage held strong, protecting those inside. and they knew looking at it that it would be headed for the scrap heap. Just about every finishing piece was either hanging off the car, or scattered in all directions. Three of the windows had blown out and there were dents everywhere. But, the most important thing, the passenger cage, was holding strong. Amazingly, Michael and Lisa were not the only things that came out of the roller coaster ride unscathed. Their laptop computer and brand new 24” cut-glass candle holders were still perfectly intact as well. Now, comfortably back in Canada, Michael and Lisa have purchased Subaru number 8, a brand new 2006 Subaru Outback. There was never any question that they would purchase another Outback but there was one big difference in the transaction this time. As Michael says, “Looking through the brochure, this was the first time I really paid attention to the page that describes the high tensile strength steel in the passenger cage.” As the Subaru Dealer where “Oz” is now resting put it, “I have already shown this vehicle to many of our clients. It is good for them to see the lengths that Subaru goes for passenger safety.” Both the Dealer and the Harrisons knew that “Oz” likely saved two lives that day along I-79. The Harrisons now have a greater appreciation for the construction of the advanced ring-shaped reinforcement frame in the Subaru Outback. Aluminum: 4.5% Steel: 46.5% High tensile strength steel with tailored-blank welding: 14.2% High tensile strength steel: 34.8% 30