Six Star Magazine Six Star Magazine Spring/Summer 2005 | Page 17
tribeca – hip, chic and delicious
Do you have a favourite restaurant that you are reluctant to tell people about? On the one
hand, you want the restaurant to be successful so it will stay in business. On the other hand,
if it gets too popular, you’re worried you’ll never get a table!
This is much the way people who live in the lower Manhattan neighbourhood of Tribeca
view their piece of the island. Those who live there (and can afford it) feel blessed. Tribeca is
hip, comfortable and peaceful but it is relatively up-and-coming, so it doesn’t get nearly the
attention that its neighbour, Soho, gets. So, while it is a striking area with great restaurants
and beautiful architecture, its streets are not crowded and that is why the locals are not sure
how loud to sing its praises!
People will be singing about Tribeca very soon though. It’s a name that will be on the
lips of Subaru owners (and the car-loving community) in a big way as the 2006 Subaru
B9 Tribeca becomes the hot new vehicle.
In honour of its namesake, we thought we’d take a look at this place called Tribeca to see
just what it is that makes this area so unique that an automobile company would name a car
Opposite: View of Greenwich St. looking south from
the Tribeca Film Institute building during the Tribeca
Film Festival Family Street Fair.
Above: Who ya gonna call? The Hook and Ladder
Company #8, of course. Located at 14 N. Moore St.
in Tribeca, this fire hall was used to depict the
Ghostbusters’ headquarters.
tips along the way. After all, if you want to know about [