Six Star Magazine Six Star Magazine Spring 2018 | Page 39
Following his accident, Ron also pushed more into his
photography. He documented much of his recovery story
in hospital, as well as that of some fellow patients. But
with a love for the west coast coursing through his veins,
he pursued his passion for capturing landscapes.
Here, too, he encountered difficulties and, at times,
became disheartened: “Sometimes, I would think, ‘If
only I could get lower, the shot would be better.’ But I try
instead to think of it as a challenge to be more creative
with the angles that I can capture. And I love using light
to differentiate my images.”
Ron mentions a bucket-list adventure he’s intent
on f u lf i l ling: Driv ing his Subaru Outback to t he
Yu kon a nd capturing t he dark sk y a nd t he Nor t hern
Lights in a l l t heir majest y. This comment brings
us back to his Subaru a nd t he modif ications he’s
made to it.
Drivers with limited mobility who require
modifications, such as hand controls, don’t have the
luxury of test-driving a vehicle before making a purchase
decision. But he chose his Outback based on a few key
factors. The wide door openings allowed Ron to get in
and out of the vehicle easily. The passenger seat was
just the right size for his collapsed wheelchair. And the
expansive trunk accommodated his chair without having
to collapse it.
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